
Viser innlegg fra oktober, 2012

Countries using mile and not kilometer as unit of length

L ately I have continuously improved my latest Android app, GPS Location Recorder . One feature wit h the app is to track the distance you are going/cycling/driving etc. In the beginning I only supported meters/ki lometers as unit of length as most cou ntries use this unit.  But I also want to support miles as unit of length . But whi c h countries us miles ? Only three countries according to th is Wikipedia page . On ly United King dom , United States og Canada.

Countries using miles per hour as unit of speed

L ately I have continuously improved my latest Android app, GPS Location Recorder . One feature wit h the app is to show the speed as you move. In the beginning I only supported ki lometer per hour as unit of speed as most cou ntries use this unit.  But I also want to support miles per hour as unit of speed. But whi c h countries us miles per hour? Only two countries according to th is Wikipedia page . On ly United King dom and United States.